Saturday, October 23, 2010

Attention Span Opera

         The internet is obviously the big assassin in the slow death of the soap opera, striking a fatal blow to attention span and focus.  Soap operas were never something most people would be proud to give their attention to, perhaps, but think how much attention it was: everyday an appointment with the show, then a measured wait until the drama returned the next day.  Does anyone have this level of commitment and focus any more?  Think how slow soap operas are, a stretched-out series of moments that you watch for a whole hour then wait the ritualistic period to watch the next chapter.  Incredible.  I know the soaps have tried to modernize as best they could but, really, I’m surprised they made it into the 80s with this demand on the attention span.  It’s been a long collapse, with their death throes as slow and measured out as the genre itself.

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